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Kehadiran dan perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi berbasis internet (digital) di negara kita semakin berkembang. Teknologi internet membuat informasi dapat diakses dimana saja, oleh siapa saja, dan kapan saja. Organisasi dan perusahaan tidak ketinggalan menggunakan fasilitas internet ini untuk mempromosikan barang atau jasa perusahaan serta menjalin hubungan dengan stake Holders (konsumen,supplier,pemegang saham,komunitas setempat, masyarakat, dan pihak lainnya). Termasuk hal-hal yang dilakukan PR (Public relation) perusahaan. Saat ini praktisi PR sudah banyak melakukan kegiatan PR dengan menggunakan teknologi internet. Aktivitas PR tersebut lebih sering disebut dengan Cyber PR, situasi ini menyebabkan para praktisi PR dihadapkan pada tantangan bagaimana memanfaatkan media interaktif ini secara maksimal. Untuk itu kami menyusun pelatihan Public Relation Berbasis Digital. Dengan tujuan memahami fungsi PR secara umum dan juga bagaimana kita memanfaatkan teknologi informasi/internet secara optimal untuk memperlancar tugas dan pekerjaan kita. SASARAN PELATIHAN
Investasi Rp. 4.500.000,- /Orang Rp. 4.000.000,- /Group 3 orang | MATERI TRAINING : 1. Setting up a Financial Model and Building Projections - Step for creating financial model - Analysis of company and industry information - Proper presentation of various sheet and setting up the model input dashboard 2. Preparation of Income statement, cash flow and balance sheet - Analysis of industry assumptions and their rationale for revenue and cost, asset and liabilities' assumptions operating cost, capex, leverage, modeling of historical ratios and trends - Short listing assumption applying adjustment - Applying various forecasting tool and etc 3. Importance of key schedule and their application - Working capital schedule (component cash and non cash) - Working capital ratio and their interpretation - Forecasting working capital requirement - Fixed asset and depreciation - Schedule of amortization of intangible asset - Preparation of debt and interest - Taxation - Equity fund raising - Equity Gap and funding 4. How to Create Capex and Funding schedule including multiple multiple debts - Equity and debt fund raising and repayment structure - Debt waterfall mechanism - Checking debt repayment ratio. Leverage and covenant 5. Integration of income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement - Industry practices on handling exceptions - Integration of cash flow, income statement and balance sheet 6. Establish scenario and sensitivity analysis - uses of data for sensitivity analysis - Importance of scenario manager - Identifying suitable scenarios and sensitivity and their impact on financial analysis - Managing key pitfalls in the analysis 7. How to analysis the data - Data sort and filtering - Creating customizing pivot table, advanced pivot tables and analysis - V-lookup and H-lookup, Macros, Goal seek and other analysis 8. How to apply different financial analysis technique on the model - Important of PV, NPV and IRR and their link with company valuation - How to analysis various capital budget decisions - Calculation of various ratios - Calculation the Weighted average cost of capital using CAPM - Calculation of WACC - Investment and exit analysis – equity IRR, Project IRR 9. Approaches to apply different valuation techniques in the model - Different method valuation – DCF, Multiple, comparable - Discounted Cash flow valuation and different multiples based methodologies - Importance of terminal valuation - Current industry practices followed in company valuation using single or multiple methodologies - How to factor size and illiquidity discount in the final valuation - Solver function and it useInvestasi Rp. 4.500.000,- /Orang Rp. 4.000.000,- /Group 3 orang |
Jadwal November 2017 | ||
NO. | Program | Tanggal |
1 | CYBER PUBLIC RELATION ( Public Relation Berbasis Digital ) | 20 - 21 nov |
2 | Comprehensive Compensation & Benefit Course | 13 - 14 nov |
3 | Excellence Management System : managerial & leadership skill (RUNNING) | 13 - 14 nov |
4 | Corporate Journalism : How to run Publication for HR & PR Purpose | 15 - 16 nov |
5 | Asset Management | 15 - 16 nov |
6 | Tax Planning And Management | 20 - 21 nov |
7 | Telemarketing Skills Training | 23 - 24 nov |
8 | The 7 Selling Steps for Sales People | 28 - 29 nov |
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