Jumat, 17 April 2015


Kepada Yth,  gogoteko.gezant@blogger.com.                                     ,


Berikut kami informasikan 3 (tiga) topik program training yang akan kami selenggarakan di Jakarta & di Bandung; Confirm Running :


Topic Training


Early Bird Fee

23 – 24 April


Lumire Hotel, Senen, Jakarta Pusat

Rp.  3.500.000,-

27 – 28 April


Pangeran Jayakarta Hotel, Bandung

Rp.  3.750.000,-

30 Apr – 1 Mei


Lumire Hotel, Senen, Jakarta Pusat

Rp.  3.500.000,-

Untuk Syllabus lengkap, silahkan click salah satu link di judul kami


Lumire Hotel – Senen, Jakarta  23 – 24 April 2015

Early Bird Fee : Rp. 3.500.000,-/person (payment 1 week before training)

Training Description :

Objective :

Primavera Enterprise Project Management offers a comprehensive project management toolset for the effective management of projects, providing the individual with the ability to plan and resource multi-level projects using an enterprise project structure. The combination of tools integrated within the Primavera P6 package make it easier to handle and track large projects. We design this training program to equip participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to enable them to use Primavera successfully.


Benefits :

By attending this workshop, participants :

o   Understand how to start primavera program

o   Understand how use WBS and OBS

o   Describe the process of Scheduling the project

o   Be able to adjust the project plan according to available resources

o   Describe the process of analyzing the project portfolio

o   Describe the process of sensitivity analysis

o   Be able to track project progresses

o   Be able to assign constraint

o   Be able to do leveling process

o   Be able to conduct earned value analysis

o   Be able to analyze resource/cost usage

o   Describe the process of reporting

o   Describe the process concerning with conducting risk management of the project.  


Outline :

1.           Introduction

o   Overview Primavera Scope

o   Overview of Critical Path Method (CPM)

o   Overview Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS)

o   Overview Enterprise Project Structure (EPS).

2.           Project Schedule

o  Create A New Project

o  Define Calendar

o  Define WBS

o  Define Activity

o  Assign Relationship

o  Project Scheduling

o  Assign Constraint.

3.           Resource Assignment

o   Define and Assign Resource

o   Update Project Progress

o   Analyzing Resource/Cost Usage

o   Leveling Resource

o   Updating Resource

o   Preparing Histogram Diagram

o   Preparing S-Curve Graph

o   Earned Value Concept

o   Earn Value Analysis.

4.           Schedule Control

o   Define Project Baseline

o   Update Project Schedule

o   Apply Actual Date

5.           Preparing Project Layout and Report

o   Creating and Customizing Layout

o   Creating and Customizing Filter

o   Creating and Customizing Preview

o   Creating and Customizing Report

o   Grouping and Sorting Activity.

6.           Tools

o   Importing and Exporting

o   Applying Currency

o   Edit User Preference. 


Who Should Attend :

o   Project Leader and project team members

o   Individual who wants to improve his/her Primavera ability.


Training Method :

o   Concept (40 – 50%)

o   Exercises

o   Participants are expected to bring Laptop with minimum requirements is Windows 7 and with 2GB minimum memory.




Training Fee  :

o   Rp. 3.750.000,-/Person; (Full Fare; Inc : Seminar Kit, Certificate, Lunch, Snack & Souvenir).

o   Rp. 3.500.000,-/Person; (Early Bird Fee : REG 2 week before training; payment 1 week before training).`

Negotiation Skills for Procurement

Pangeran Jayakarta  Hotel – Dago, Bandung  27 – 28 April 2015

Early Bird Fee : Rp. 3.750.000,-/person (payment 1 week before training)

Training Description :

Kemampuan negosiasi merupakan hal penting yang harus dikuasai oleh team Procurement maupun Procurement Committee, karena keterbatasan skill saat melakukan negosiasi dengan Vendor/Supplier/Kontraktor akan membuat proses negosiasi berjalan tidak seimbang.


Oleh karena itu sangatlah penting membekali para Professional Procurement dengan metode & strategi negosiasi, sehingga perusahaan akan memperoleh produk & jasa yang diperlukan dari Supplier terpilih dengan kondisi the best bid with; best prices, best quality, serta best terms & conditions.


Tujuan & Manfaat Pelatihan :

o   Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta akan memiliki kemampuan untuk :

o   Melakukan perencanaan & strategi negosiasi

o   Memahami standar etika bernegosiasi

o   Memahami metode melakukan analisa penawaran berdasarkan hasil sourcing serta terms & conditions yang diperoleh

o   Mengevaluasi kekuatan & kelemahan Supplier

o   Melakukan negosiasi dengan Supplier tanpa terpengaruh bias penampilan & strategi mereka..


Outline :

o    Hari Pertama :

1.       Negotiation Planning & Strategy

2.       Negotiation Style, Methods, & Ethics

3.       Game Theory in Negotiation

4.       Negotiating Across Cultures & Charracter Assessment

5.       Discussion sharing & case study


o    Hari Kedua :

6.       Negotiation Tool Kits

7.       Negotiation Terms & Conditions

8.       Simulation of Procurement Negotiation

9.       Negotiation in a Difficult Situations

10.    Discussion sharing & closing reviews 


Who Should Attend :

o   Supply Chain/Logistik, Procurement/Purchasing, PPIC, Produksi, Komite Pembelian, Unit Layanan Pengadaan.

o   GA, Administrasi Kontrak, Legal Perusahaan.

o   Project Manager, Internal Auditor.

o   Supervisor/Manager yang terlibat dalam proses negosiasi dengan kontraktor/supplier/vendor.

o   Yang ingin meningkatkan kompetensi di bidang ini.


Training Method :

Class presentation, discussion, study analysis, & video presentation, dengan konsep:

o   20% teori berdasarkan literatur praktisi

o   40% analisa best practices & benchmarking antar industri

o   40% studi kasus nyata & diskusi brainstorming antara trainer dengan peserta.


Fasilitator : Deni Danasenjaya, SE, MM.


Training Fee  :

o   Rp. 4.000.000,-/Person; (Full Fare; Inc : Seminar Kit, Certificate, Lunch, Snack & Souvenir).

o   Rp. 3.750.000,-/Person; (Early Bird Fee : REG 2 week before training; payment 1 week before training).`

Effective Negotiation Skills

Lumire Hotel – Senen, Jakarta  30  April – 1  Mei 2015

Early Bird Fee : Rp. 3.500.000,-/person (payment 1 week before training)

Training Description :

Objectives :

Learn today’s skills, strategies and tips for successful negotiation in all business transactions –both inside and outside your organization. Deal with customers, vendors, colleagues, bosses, and subordinates with confidence, professionalism and ability to bring about a solution that satisfied both sides.

Negotiation is an essential part of daily life; develop the ability to negotiate successfully, and get the results you want while strengthening working relationship. In this 2 days workshop, you’ll learn to confidently pursue and achieve the best outcome in ordinary and extraordinary situations.

This course provides the skills necessary to conduct negotiations. After finishing this training session, participants are expected to able to understand the very basic of negotiation, the negotiation stages, able to set plan, strategy and negotiation scenarios, able to use negotiation techniques and tactics.


Objectives :

Learn today’s skills, strategies and tips for successful negotiation in all business transactions –both inside and outside your organization. Deal with customers, vendors, colleagues, bosses, and subordinates with confidence, professionalism and ability to bring about a solution that satisfied both sides.

Negotiation is an essential part of daily life; develop the ability to negotiate successfully, and get the results you want while strengthening working relationship. In this 2 days workshop, you’ll learn to confidently pursue and achieve the best outcome in ordinary and extraordinary situations.

This course provides the skills necessary to conduct negotiations. After finishing this training session, participants are expected to able to understand the very basic of negotiation, the negotiation stages, able to set plan, strategy and negotiation scenarios, able to use negotiation techniques and tactics.


Other Benefits :

1.            Establish goals and achieve win/win agreements

2.            Identify their – and their counterpart’s… negotiating style

3.            Prepare a strategy for creating integrative agreements

4.            Demonstrate effective negotiation behaviors

5.            Learn how to deal effectively with difficult tactics, people and situations

6.            Build their skills for negotiating more systematically and successfully over time.


Outline :

1.        Introduction / Background

2.        Negotiation: The Basic

o   Definition and Role of Negotiation

o   Characteristics of Negotiation

o   Why Negotiation Fails?

o   Individual and Team Negotiation.

3.        Negotiation: The Process

o   Step-1: Negotiation Preparation

o   Step-2: Target, Strategy Scenario Determination

o   Step-3: Pre-Negotiation

o   Step-4: Face to face Negotiation

o   Step-5: Reaching Agreement

o   Step-6: After the Negotiation.

4.        Negotiation:  The Techniques

o   Tactics

o   Counter Tactics for each step.

5.        Negotiation: Simulation/Role Play

o   Simulation: Techniques and Tactics Implementation Role Play.

6.        Closing

o   Summary and Conclusion.


Who Should Attend :

Team leaders, supervisors, managers, executives, or any employees who rely on the cooperation of others –inside and outside the company- to meet their goals.


Training Method :

o   Concept (40 – 50%)

o   Latihan dan pembahasan latihan.


Fasilitator : Sahala P. Sinurat, MSc.


Training Fee  :

o   Rp. 3.750.000,-/Person; (Full Fare; Inc : Seminar Kit, Certificate, Lunch, Snack & Souvenir).

o   Rp. 3.500.000,-/Person; (Early Bird Fee : REG 2 week before training; payment 1 week before training).

Untuk pendaftaran atau informasi lebih lengkap, silahkan hubungi :

Sdr. Markus atau Sdri. Natalia atau Sdr. Helmi

Telp. : (021) 8690 3283 / 0811 101 9811 / 0819 4714 7881

E-mail : markus.mm29@gmail.com / vika.seminar@indo.net.id / vika-seminar@indo.net.id

Visit us at : www.vikaseminar.co.id

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