Selasa, 28 April 2015

Strategic & Operational Procurement Management : 12 - 13 Mei 2015


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Procurement Dengan Pendekatan Strategis dan Operasional

13 Mei 2015 / Hotel Menara Peninsula – Slipi, Jakarta

Normal Price : Rp. 2.950.000,- / Person

Early Bird : Rp. 2.500.000,- / Person

SPECIAL PRICE : Rp. 6.750.000,- / 3 Person



COURSE OUTLINE: durasi 2 hari

Hari ke 1:

1. Sekilas Definisi dan Lingkup:

o   Procurement vs purchasing vs sourcing

o   Organisasi Procurement

o   Peran procurement dalam Supply Chain

o   Menterjemahkan strategi perusahaan

o   Strategic vs operational procurement

2. Issue, konsep, dan tool praktis, step2 pendekatan strategic procurement:

o   Kraljic Matrix:

§   Definisi

§  Contoh

§  Procurement

§  strategi di setiap kuadran

§  latihan & studi kasus

o   Buyer-Supplier relationship:

o   TCO (Total cost of ownership):

§  Definisi

§  Latihan studi kasus Mocin vs Moje

o   Single vs Sole vs Multiple Supplier

o   Make vs Buy Analysis

o   Supplier Performance Criteria:

§  Balance score card,

§  SCOR model

3. Siklus Procurement: tahap Pre-order:

o   Need

o   Specify

o   Sourcing :

§  Supplier & Market Condition

§  Supplier Availability

§  PESTLE Analysis (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Legal, Environment)

§  Make or buy?

§  Existing or new source?

§  Local or global?

§  Single or multiple sources?

o   Enquiry

o   Evaluate:

§  Aspek penilaian

§  Weighting factors

Hari ke 2:

1. Siklus Procurement: tahap Pre-order (lanjutan):

o   negotiate:

§  supplier relationship dalam negosiasi (matrix krajic dll)

§  TCO sebagai fondasi negotiation purchasing

§  Strategi konsesi sebagai jantung negosiasi purchasing

§  Strategi negosiasi:

·         win-win, win-lose, lose-win, lose-lose

·         role play

§  Taktik negosiasi:

·         higher authority, good amd bad guy, walk out, russion front, dll,

·         review video and role play

2.  Siklus Procurement: tahap Order:

o   Order

o   Kontrak

o   Progress

o   Delivery

3.       Siklus Procurement: tahap Post-order:

o   Pay

o   Review:

§  Mereview harga

§  Mereview procurement cost

§  Budget control

§  KPI: definsi, benchmark, aplikasi dan efek 


Untuk pendaftaran atau informasi lebih lengkap, silahkan hubungi :

Sdri. Eby

Telp. : (021) 5793 2035  / 0856 1044 530

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