Workload Analysis Implementation with Excel 2007 for HR non HR Jadwal : 5 – 6 April 2018 A. OBJECTIVES Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu : 1. Memahami frame work dari workload analysis baik ditinjau dari metode pendekatan data kuantitatif maupun pendekatan data kualitatif. 2. Memahami sejumlah indicator perlunya dilakukan workload analysis. 3. Menggunakan form kuesioner untuk menemukan indicator utama. 4. Memahami main data sources untuk workload analysis process. 5. Memahami teknik pengumpulan data yang diperlukan untuk workload analysis. 6. Memahami pembuatan dan penggunaan Work System Tools : Workload Chart, Workflow Chart, Work Layout Chart & Work Process Chart. 7. Mengetahui pengukuran waktu kerja untuk mendapatkan tingkat efektifitas dan efisiensi kerja berdasarkan metode pendekatan data kuantitatif. SYLLABUS · Understanding of the workload analysis of a variety of credible sources. · Understanding of the workload, the working volume and norms of the time. · Understanding of job information concept. · Workload Analysis Framework for the approach of quantitative data. · Workload Analysis Framework for the approach of qualitative data. · Understanding of standard of work performance and existence unit result. · Know the techniques of data collection needed for workload analysis. · Using & Implementation of Work System Tools : Workload Chart, Workflow Chart, Work Layout Chart & Work Process Chart. · Using a questionnaire form as one way of getting qualitative data. · Perform measurements of time working with the method of Time Study. · Knowing of Motion Study Concept. · Knowing of Work Simplification Concept. · Knowing of Effective Organization Structured. · Knowing the Improvement of Competency Grades. · Calculating workload analysis based on quantitative and qualitative data. · Data processing to get the Employee absenteeism percentage rate based on attendance data by using Excel 2007. · Data processing to get a percentage of Employee Turnover Rate by using Microsoft Excel 2007. · Simulation Practice and in accordance with the Structured Organization and Job Information in each work unit, · The data processing practices to get the information needs of the number of employees in the unit of work using Microsoft Excel 2007. · The calculation of the completion of the case study application workload analysis using Excel 2007 Macro (*. XLSM). | Train to The Trainer Jadwal : 25 - 26 April 2018 Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta akan mampu: 1. Mampu mengidentifikasi dan menerjemahkan setiap tujuan pelaksanaan pelatihan dengan baik. 2. Mampu menyusun persiapan yang komprehensif tentang material maupun alat yang mendukung penyampaian pelatihan 3. Penuh percaya diri dalam menyampaikan materi pelatihan dan punya daya tarik yang besar terhadap para pesertanya. . 4. Mampu mengatasi kondisi sulit maupun orang sulit dan mengarahkan kepada ke-efektivitas-an pelatihan. 5. Mampu menyusun proses evaluasi yang tepat untuk mengukur tingkat improvement peserta pra dan pasca pelatihan. Day #1 The Role of the Trainer Why organizations train Meeting the needs of the business Supporting organizational objectives and strategies The qualities of a successful trainer The Learning Process How people learn Learning styles - maximizing individual development through the learning process Identifying trainees - the selection criteria Adapting your training style to meet the needs of the group Training Methods and How to Delivered Using visual aids for maximum effect - selecting appropriate visual aids Training methods review - video, syndicate exercises etc Communication, confidence and be your self Using computer based presentation packages Handling difficult trainees Trainer-led facilitation and group discussion
Training Preparation Indentification what problem or content for delivery Design slide at Power Point Anticipating and overcoming trainee problems Selecting appropriate training methods - trainee analysis Day 2# Training Delivery and Evaluation Training exercises; design and delivery of training sessions (each delegate will undertake practical sessions throughout the duration of the course, these encompass; the writing of session objectives, content development and training delivery. Video will be used to aid this process) Evaluating Training Effectively measuring learning outcomes Short and long term measurement Future Development |
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